Nursing Exam Questions and Answers PDF on Anatomy and Physiology
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Attempt online test series now and start competitive nursing exam preparation. This test is based on 'Anatomy and Physiology' subject and topic 'Digestive System.'
Mock Test Topic: Digestive System
Total MCQ Questions: 30
Time: 00:00
1. Process of taking food into digestive system is:
2. Digestion of food in human starts from:
3. Which part of food first start to digest into mouth?
4. Deglutition is a term related to:
5. Total numbers of deciduous teeth in children:
6. Food reservoir is known as:
7. Most dilated portion of the digestive system is:
8. The gastric juice is produced by:
9. Which one of the following is the last part of the small intestine?
10. Appendix originate/attached to which part:
11. The hormone secretin and pancreozymin are secreted by:
12. The bile is produced by?
13. Bile salts are produced from:
14. Gall bladder acts as a store house for:
15. In human body glycogen is mainly stored in:
16. Which organ is called sweet gland:
17. Chyme is called:
18. First pair of teeth to erupt in children is:
19. Identify the part of human stomach which connects/joins with esophagus:
20. Which is the largest serous membrane of the body?
21. Which part of the stomach is situated at the distal end of pylorus and guards the opening between the stomach and the duodenum?
22. Which is the largest gland in human body:
23. Which acid converts milk into curd:
24. Peyer's patches are present in:
25. In which of following structure the human body vermiform appendix is included?
26. Name of the duodenal hormone is:
27. Vitamin A is produced from carotene:
28. Which of the following enzymes converts fats into fatty acids and glycerol?
29. The length of large intestine is:
30. Pepsinogen is secreted by:
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