Nursing Exam Questions and Answers PDF on Community Health Nursing
Nursing Exam Questions and Answers on Community Health Nursing mock test series available for the nursing candidates who are preparing for nursing competitive examinations. It helps to boost knowledge and confidence of nursing candidates.
This test series contains the topic "Community and Vaccination" of Community Health Nursing which is very important topic for nursing competitive examinations.
Subject: Community Health Nursing
Total MCQ Questions: 30
Time: 00:00
1. Which disease is called "Father of public Health"?
2. What is main role of a public health nurse?
3. The vaccination was first performed by:
4. Who were early pioneers of immunization?
5. One of following diseases has been eradicated globally as declared by WHO:
6. Which one is the most heat sensitive vaccine, out of the vaccines given below?
7. Reverse cold chain is used for:
8. What is a Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG)?
9. Which is the vaccine that leaves a permanent scar in babies after immunization?
10. According to national immunization schedule for children, BCG vaccine is given at:
11. How many fully frozen ice packs to be used inside the vaccine carrier?
12. In India, Universal Immunization Programme was launched in the year:
13. Polyvalent vaccines consist of:
14. The three features of a community:
15. When conducting a home delivery, what equipment should a midwife have on hand for emergencies?
16. All of following are killed vaccine except:
17. Interval between two doses of DPT, OPV and Hepatitis B should not be less than:
18. Example of live vaccine is:
19. Frozen DPT vaccine should be:
20. In cold chain the temperature is maintained between:
21. BCG vaccine is given:
22. Number of tetanus toxoid vaccine doses to be given to ante natal mothers:
23. All of the following diseases are preventable through immunization except:
24. The full form of AEFI:
25. Pentavalent vaccine gives protection against:
26. Recommended site of administration of DPT in infants is:
27. Identify the name of the vaccine that helps to prevent diarrheal disease:
28. In which year PPI program was launched in India?
29. All the following are biological risk factors for altered family health except:
30. What is called the comprehensive assessment of an entire community?
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